Is it crunch time for our Bus Station?
It has just been confirmed that the meeting at which the South Downs National Park Authority will decide on the latest planning application to replace Lewes Bus Station with housing and re-site bus stops on the busy Phoenix Causeway will take place on Thursday 12 September. So if you want to comment on the proposals, please do it now!
New comments made right up to the day of the meeting may still be taken into account when the SDNPA planning committee discusses the application, so it isn’t too late to make your feelings known.
Read the background to the proposals and what objections our local MP James MacCleary and others are making in our recent article here.
Read comments and make your own on the SDNPA website here – citing application SNDP/23/02973.
To stay informed about developments, join the Save Lewes Bus Station Facebook page here.