Webinars: How to rewild like a wolf or beaver

Wed 29 January & Wed 12 February, 3pm-4pm, FREE – book places here and here
Lewes Railway Land Wildlife Trust is hosting a unique three-part webinar series showcasing how communities can play a hands-on role in restoring ecosystems
by mimicking the ecological impact of former keystone species.

Run by Dylan Walker of Wilderlife, the series is inspired by the innovative Rewilding Trails project run by the Railway Land Wildlife Trust, supported by Ouse Valley Climate Action.

Over the past two years, volunteers have mimicked the ecological impacts of three keystone species no longer found in this area – wolf, beaver, and wild boar – in order to help improve biodiversity. These webinars will explore what these activities can achieve and how to replicate them in your own green spaces.

The first two webinars are (click on title to reserve places):

How to Rewild like a Wolf – Wed, 29 Jan 2025, 3pm – 4pm 
Discover how the wolf’s ecological role as a predator and seed disperser can inspire creative rewilding actions involving local communities.

How to Rewild like a Beaver – Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 3pm – 4pm
Unleash the water engineering capabilities of our communities and learn how beaver-inspired activities can rejuvenate wetland ecosystems.

During these dynamic one-hour webinars, Dylan and the team will:

  • share the step-by-step methodologies behind mimicking these ‘ecosystem engineers’ and the positive impacts they can bring for biodiversity
  • introduce a free-to-download ‘How to Rewild Help Guides’, designed for use in gardens, parks, schools, small nature reserves, and other spaces where communities can play an active role in rewilding
  • facilitate idea-sharing amongst participants to inspire further innovation in community-led nature recovery efforts.