Webinar: Local Nature Recovery Strategy for East Sussex
Monday, 10 June, 6pm-7pm, register here
East and West Sussex County Councils are developing strategies in collaboration with the Sussex Nature Partnership to support the recovery of local natural habitats and species. Join a webinar to learn about the priorities for the strategy being developed for East Sussex and how you – or a group you belong to – can get involved.
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are being developed for East Sussex and West Sussex in a process being led by the County Councils. LNRS are a statutory requirement from the Environment Act 2021. They aim is to protect the important places for nature that are left, and identify the opportunities to restore or create it, where it can have the most benefit for wildlife and people.
An initial online briefing about the initiative was held in March and attended by over 120 people. A recording of this session can be viewed here
In June, the County Councils and the Sussex Nature Partnership are running two webinars, one for each LNRS strategy area. These will look at:
- Key insights from the ecological evidence that has been gathered to underpin the strategies, including pressures, threats, trends and opportunities for Sussex habitat and species recovery.
- What local organisations and residents have said is important for nature recovery, and how this will inform LNRS priorities.
- Next steps in each strategy’s development.
- Examples of local nature recovery in action, with contributions from Weald to Waves, Sussex Youth Rangers, Wilder Ouse, Wilding Waterhall and others.
Register for the webinars
- East Sussex, Brighton & Hove: 10 June, 6-7pm. Register here
- West Sussex: 11 June, 6-7pm. Register here
See more at the Sussex Nature Recovery website here.