Meet Charlotte – our new Hub coordinator

We’re delighted to welcome Charlotte Wilson as the new coordinator for Lewes Climate Hub (after our previous fab coordinator Ruth got poached for her dream job in sustainable farming!). Charlotte will help manage our volunteers, events and make the Hub a really welcoming and inspiring place for visitors.

“I moved to Sussex in 2014 with my husband and twin daughters. My background is in digital marketing but after attending a School Strike for Climate with my girls in 2019, I was galvanised to dedicate more time to climate action. I made the decision early on to focus on my local community, working on projects where I and my children could see the results and benefits.  During the COVID pandemic I co-founded Hurst Rethink, a sustainability group for the village of Hurstpierpoint. It was through this work that I have also become involved with HKD Energy as their Communications Lead. When not working, I can be seen walking my border terrier Wicket or cycling around Sussex.

Working as Lewes Climate Hub Co-ordinator is my dream role. Lewes is such a beacon of climate action and filled with inspirational groups, all doing amazing work in the different areas of energy, biodiversity, transport, consumer and waste. I can’t wait to work with these groups, our volunteers and the people of Lewes to extend our reach and influence across the town and county”.

You can contact Charlotte at