Join the Lewes Library of Things team

Lewes Library of Things is a brilliant community-run service that allows anyone to borrow a variety of household items for free – from power tools to camping equipment – rather than going to the expense of buying things they may only use once or twice a year. Now it’s seeking more volunteers to help run the library – could you help?

Lewes Library of Things is a service for the whole community and aims to be available to ALL irrespective of their financial circumstances. So, just like a book library, anyone can sign up as a member and borrow any of the 120+ Things available in the library for FREE.

Learn all about the library here.

The library is open three mornings a week and is on the look-out for new volunteers who can help with any of the following:

  • Run the weekly sessions, helping to check ‘Things’ in and out using the simple library software
  • Help organise and coordinate the service, e.g. respond to enquiries, engage on social media and help with other publicity
  • Oversee the care of the Things in the library

If you want to get involved with this small and friendly team, email or get in contact via the Contacts page on the website