Aged 14-24? Check out Naturelinks Youth Action Group
Third Tuesday of every month, 4pm-6pm, Linklater Pavilion, Railway Lane, Lewes
If you’re aged 14-24 and passionate about nature and climate action, Railway Land Wildlife Trust’s monthly NatureLinks Youth Action Group is a brilliant opportunity to learn new skills, share ideas and make a real impact. Project manager Ali Wheeler reports on what’s coming up.
At Naturelinks we have a full feast of activities on offer for young people aged (approx.) 14-24 yrs. Our monthly sessions continue with the next one on Tuesday 20th February – when we have an upcycled clothing specialist coming to share skills amongst other things.
We have the following courses lined up with final dates to be confirmed so get in touch to find out more.
- Traditional Craft Skills – Choices of: basket weaving; sewing for upcycled clothing; natural dyes; – Tuesdays 4.15pm – 6.30pm, 27 Feb, 5 March, 12 March and 26 March
- Film and Photography for Nature – April/May
- Gardening for Wildlife – May/June
- Wildlife Discovery Series – Botanical survey and plant i.d; birdwatching; rewilding visit to Knepp; insects and pollinators; moths and bats – from April onwards
Contact or 07579 852961 to find out more about our monthly youth action group and the above courses and activities.
We are also always looking for volunteers to support the sessions. So if you’re over 24 and want to get involved, do get in touch.